About Us

The Canine Epilepsy Support Group (CESG) is a Registered Charity Group: No:1046436
Set up in 1991 by Victoria Lloyd, in response to the death of her beloved German Shepherd Dog, Bruno. Since that time the Group has continued to grow, spreading throughout the UK and Ireland, to Europe, the USA, Australia and New Zealand, offering information, understanding and sympathetic support to people with cherished companion animals, living with this frightening condition.
Our Advisers

Mr Tim Couzens, BVetMed, MRCVS, VetMFHom, CertVetAc is the CESG's Adviser on homoeopathy and veterinary matters
Tim founded the Holistic Veterinary Medicine Centre in East Hoathly, East Sussex; he works with small animals as well as the larger animals, and equines too, using conventional and alternative treatments where appropriate.

Anne Morley Hon. Sec.
In 1992 I was approached by Victoria Lloyd for permission to reproduce an article I had written for Dog Training Weekly, about my two epileptic dogs. I gladly gave it, we got chatting, I joined the Canine Epilepsy Support Group, then less than a year old, and became Hon. Secretary in 1998. I have talked to thousands of people over the years and learnt so much more about epilepsy in dogs and about alternative treatments,
diets, herbal remedies and so on, which can make a tremendous improvement to fitting frequency and quality of life for dog and owner. My grateful thanks to all epileptic dogs and owners for their experiences, which we use daily to help and improve life for others with this awful condition.
The CESG publishes four Newsletters a year containing members’ letters, vet reports, and up to date news of new and improved products, which can assist in providing maximum help and support. On the back of every Newsletter there is a list of Local Contacts, all of whom are owners with experience of epileptic pets, all of whom are ready to give support.
Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. From one sick dog and one determined lady, the Group has grown to be a force for change and improvement in the lives of thousands of epileptic animals and their owners. 2021 was our 30th year of working for epileptic pets and our membership embraces three continents. Victoria would be so proud of what she started, with just six people having a cup of tea and a chat about their dogs.

Professor Steve Dean BVetMed, DVR, MRCVS is our Veterinary Policy Adviser.
Prof. Dean was in a mixed veterinary practice, dealing with small and large animals for 12 years after he qualified. He then returned to the Royal Veterinary College to teach anatomy, and he also completed a Diploma in Radiology. After which he worked in the pharmaceutical industry
for some years and finally moved to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, where he worked for fifteen years, finishing as the Chief Executive.
He retired in 2011 and became Chairman of the Kennel Club, and is still Chairman of the Kennel Club Charitable Trust and Chairman of the Greyhound Trust. He and his wife have bred Border Terriers for many years, and have now bred their first litter of Labrador puppies.
Mrs Anne Morley Hon. Sec.
21 Sea Lane
East Preston
West Sussex
BN16 1NH
Telephone Helpline:
01903 784263 / 785327
Mr Geoff Dorey: 01903 785327
Hon. Treasurer:
Miss Carol Ellis: 01903 265302